Wednesday, 14 March 2012

Looking back ......

Recently whilst looking for some archive digital images for a client I also looked through some of the other work that I had done around the same time, and in some cases I was pleasantly surprised on how I had actually approach the subject or project. This begged the question that if this work was retouched by me now, some 7 years after it was taken, would it benefit from the editing techniques I now use, that would not have been available to me at the time ?

I hope you will agree with me from seeing these newly retouched  images in this blog article that the answer has to be "yes" !

These images were my first real model photoshoot and were captured in the models own home in March 2005 and the first  image below won me the SWPP print competition title in the Societies Beauty category in the same year but with my then rather poorly toned and edited image which I feel this one far surpasses.

 Basically all digital images need a bit of a  "polish" which may only need to be a colour balance and levels adjustment, and one thing I always say to clients when discussing my photography and especially digital capture taking the  image is only about 30% of the photographic process. The planning, post production and presentation is by far the biggest part of crafting a pleasing final image.

I think from this small exercise not only was I able to improve my original images, but I actually learned a lot from them in terms of how I previously approached my models or other sitters.  These particular images  have a very classical and elegant feel to them, which I have possible lost to some extent in more recent work and would very much like to get back to. I also think from looking at my own earlier work it has given me some ideas to either revisit or inspire totally new projects from it.

Overall I therefore think this is a very worth while exercise and I would encourage others to do likewise, for as Winston Churchill said " The further backwards we look, the further forwards we can see."
Wishing you hours of happy archive hunting.

As I have been asked ....... yes .... you can see the original edit which was the competition winner back in 2005:


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