For regular blog followers you may recall an article from last year on beauty lighting and how to get a very even shadow free light, plus some amazing multiple catchlights in the sitters eyes.
If you want a reminder follow this link: Beauty Lighting
One of the the fundamental design issues with my original lighting panel was the that the light coloured wood it was constructed of, caused a reflection of the panel to appear right in the middle of the subjects eye pupil, which required some additional editing of the eyes to remove this. Well I can now happily say there is a solution to this if the board surface is painted matt black this reflection can be eliminated.
Here is my modified board with a anti-refective matt black finish and also a slightly larger centre hole to allow for more lens variations:
With the reflection removed editing in PS is very straight forward, originally this meant removing the reflection out of the pupil, but as shown here with in this before and after editing images such editing is now very straight forward and probably for most not even required:
The enhancement to the eyes in the "after" edited image are by using colour balance to improve the blueness and a little sharpening to improve the detail, also because the mask blocked some of the catchlights I also cloned a couple of these back in for a more uniform look.
The modification to my board was done by Glen Young who is both a photographer and also owns his own Car Body Shop therefore being a good person to carry out this work for me.
I trust for those keen to try something a little different you will also have a go at making a similar panel, if not I am sure Glen would be in the market to make one for you. Glens contact number is 078010
Special thanks to my model for this shot Wendy Louise Howard.
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